In 1857 the Illuminati met in London to decide America’s fate they had to create an incident that would allow the establishment of a central bank. This meant a war and since wars are expensive and governments have to borrow to pay for them by fermenting a conflict between the North and South. The North was to become a British Colony annexed to Canada and controlled by Lionel Rothschild while the South was to be given to Napoleon 111 of France and controlled by James Rothschild. At the end of the civil war Abraham Lincoln in March, 1863, received congressional approval to borrow $450 million from the people by selling them bonds, or green-backs to pay for the civil war they were not redeemable until 1865, when three could be exchanged for one silver. They were made full legal tender in 1879. Lincoln solved America’s monetary crisis without the help of International Bankers. The government furnished its own money without cost and paid of its debts.
Abraham Lincoln—“The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity. The financing of all public enterprise and the conduct of the treasury will become matters of practical administration. By the adoption of these principles the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity.”
Henry C. Carey, creator of the nationalist economic platform of Lincoln’s Republican Party, wrote just before the 1860 election that the British Empire waged continual political and economic “warfare, for discouraging the growth of manufactures in other countries and for compelling the people of other lands to confine themselves to agriculture for producing pauperism.”
That is why there has never been any of the great water projects built in Australia like the Bradfield Scheme apart from the time when John Curtin assumed control over the deployment of credit during the war and when Ben Chifley as treasurer in 1945, tabled legislation to make the wartime control of banking which directed credit to the benefit of the national interest when the Snowy Mountains Scheme was built.
In 1941, Mr. L.R.East. Chairman of the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission of Victoria . Proposed that the Commonwealth, New South Wales, and Victoria create a separate Authority with the prospect of diverting the Snowy waters inland.
He proposed that the River Murray Commission be formed to undertake the work.
In 1943 the conflicting proposals for the development of the Snowy waters led
Mr. Arthur Caldwell to ask in federal parliament that “ Plans be formulated for the best use of the waters in the interests of the people of Australia as a whole”. In 1946, the Commonwealth and the states discussed the national aspect of the project. Director General was Mr. L.F. Loader who later became Sir Louis Loader. Director of Engineering was Ronald.B.Lewis. Detailed of investigations and alternative proposals was given to Engineer for major investigations Mr. E.F.Rowntree. Mr. O.T.Olsen officer of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria carried out investigations for the Kiewa Hydro-Electric project and it was he who proposed the diversion of the Upper Snowy to the Murray river for power production and irrigation along the Murray river. Mr. Nelson Lemmon was the Minister for Works and Housing in the Chifley government. Prime Minister Ben Chifley was a Western Australian who was determined that the national interest would prevail. Nelson Lemmon employed the Defence Force Act to ensure that the great snowy scheme was built and he created the Snowy Act of 1949, which concentrated on the Hydro-electric aspect of the scheme other wise the Commonwealth did not have the power to compulsorily acquire land for the project nor did it have the powers over diversion of waters. William Hudson was born in New Zealand in 1896 he became
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the Chief Civil Engineer of New South Wales and in 1948 was personally approved by Prime Minister Ben Chifley to head the construction of the Snowy River scheme. On August 1st 1949, he began duty as the Head Snowy Mountains Engineer he was knighted Sir William Hudson in 1955, and was awarded the Kermot Memorial Medal for outstanding engineering achievement. The Snowy Mountains Scheme remains the only national public water infrastructure project in the history of our nation. Lake Eyre is 15 metres below sea level and covers 1.2 million square kilometres at the time of the construction of the Snowy Mountains Scheme investigations where carried out into the building of a canal from the sea in South Australia to Lake Eyre to create an inland sea. At the time it was believed that it would change the weather patterns on the east coast.

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